The description of the end times is fascinating; confusing; beautiful; terrible; awe-inspiring! The vision of Christ’s return and judgement causes alarm, dismissal, and endless discussion.
It is the last Sunday of the Church Year. A day when we look toward the return of Jesus and the end of things as we know; the ultimate and inevitable conclusion of everything as we understand it.
But it is also the day when we look to those same events as culmination of God’s Plan for redemption, salvation, a new creation, and life everlasting; free from death, sadness, and pain!
As Christians, we need not fear the destruction, the calamity, and the judgement to come, because we know the other side of it. We know “the end” is not “The End.” For those who believe in Jesus and trust in God, it is the beginning of something far beyond our comprehension and imagination! Something that will make all our suffering and pain in this life trivial, forgettable, and inconsequential. When we have faith in Jesus, we have nothing to fear and everything to anxiously anticipate! “Come, Lord Jesus! Come!”
- Daniel 7:9-10
- Daniel 7:13-14
- Revelation 1:4-8