LifeBridge is proud to support, sponsor, and partner with many organizations doing good for for people and the Kingdom.
Here are a few of those organizations and entities:
Sealy Christian Pantry
The Sealy Christian Pantry makes sure people have food to eat. Their mission is “To demonstrate Christian love by providing food to people in need.” They normally distribute food out of LifeBridge the first through fourth Wednesdays (not fifth!) between 9:00 AM and 12:00 noon.
(979) 885-3866 // 412 Old San Felipe Road // Sealy Christian Pantry // Associated Posts
Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center
Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center is a Christ-centered ministry providing practical and compassionate support and life-affirming alternatives to the tragedy of abortion. Their programs are designed to empower women and men in making informed choices about their unplanned pregnancy and their future, while respecting their decision without ridicule or rejection. They bring the message of life, hope, compassion, and love to women residing in Sealy and its surrounding communities.
(979) 472-8663 // Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center // Associated Posts
Sealy Ministerial Alliance
The Sealy Ministerial Alliance helps people in the Sealy area who are in need of emergency help for things like utilities. They also run the Good Samaritan Shop in town to help fund this mission and ministry.
(979) 398-1221 // Sealy Ministerial Alliance
(979) 398-0862 // Good Samaritan Shop on Facebook
Associated Posts
The Freedom Church Alliance
The Freedom Church Alliance exists to engage the Church as a unified, collaborative body to make a greater impact in the anti-human trafficking movement in the Houston area and beyond. LifeBridge is strategic partner in this massive endeavor.
(231) 881-7464 // // // Associated Posts
One Day Academy
The purpose of One Day Academy is to assist parents in the discipling and Christian leadership development of their children, by offering strong academic coursework, on carefully monitored campuses, with faculty members who love the Lord and have served Him for decades.
(979) 627-5338 // // One Day Adademy – Sealy Region // Associated Posts