Here you will find information regarding baptism in general as well as specifically at LifeBridge.
We want to celebrate this new life in Christ in a big and powerful way! If you, your child, or someone you know has not been baptized (or would just like to know more about baptism), we want to hear from you! We want to sit and talk to you about this amazing Sacrament and blessing God gives and let you know why it is such a special gift from God. Then, if you (or they) desire, we would like to schedule a baptism, we can discuss that, too.
There are also some (hopefully) useful information, links, and documents below, as well as a Baptism Application.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. My information is below.
God’s richest blessings to you!
With you,
Pastor Scott Heitshusen
(713) 965-6761 [mobile]
What is Baptism & Why be Baptized?
Baptism is one of the great blessings given and commanded by God, where He promises and delivers the forgiveness of sins and does so by combining His Word and promise through water.
In baptism He washes away our sins. He adopts us as His children. He makes us His own.
Through baptism, we promise to live as His children to the best of our ability and with the help of the Holy Spirit.
That doesn’t mean we will live perfectly. Rather, it means that when we mess up, we can go back to Him as our loving Father who had already forgiven us through faith in Jesus; a faith He gives and strengthens through baptism.
When we are baptized, we do so with the understanding of what the Bible says about God as “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,” as explained in The Apostles’ Creed.
Baptism Application
Other Helpful Links, Resources, & Documents
- Basic Information on Baptism from Luther’s Small Catechism.
- More in-depth information (should you desire) include: Doctrinal Issues: Baptism [including sponsors/godparents and much more] & “What About…Holy Baptism”
Other Posts Dealing with Baptism
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Living in Our Baptism
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