Who We Are

We are followers of Jesus Christ in the area of Sealy, Texas, who are committed to God’s Word and service to Him and the people of this great community. We want everyone to know about the amazing love of Jesus and want people to come to LifeBridge in the same way we come to the Lord: just as we are!

Foundational Principles

Through the Grace of God, LifeBridge will be (in no particular order):

  1. Dedicated to the preaching, teaching, and learning of God’s Word as found in the Holy Bible and to the sharing of the sacraments for the forgiveness of sins
  2. Engaged in prayer and worship to the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  3. Focused on reaching out to the community in love and service while building a congregation which reflects the diversity of the community
  4. Committed to creating new traditions and practices while building new relationships in order to bring the Good News of Christ to the lost
  5. Active in the mission field by providing prayer, finances, and servants at the local, national, and global level
  6. Determined to give 15% or more of the Church’s income for the advancement of the Kingdom of God
  7. Trusting in God’s blessing while maintaining financial integrity and striving to be debt-free

Our Mission

Connecting People to Jesus by:
Reaching the Lost, Discipling the Saved & Sharing the Love of God with Everyone.

What This Means

The first phrase summarizes our purpose.

Connecting People to Jesus

As Christians, we view all people in two categories; lost or saved. The more urgent group is the lost. This is the reason for the second phrase.

Reaching the Lost

This could refer to one member of LifeBridge witnessing to a neighbor down the street or the congregation sponsoring a mission church in another country. It is outreach at the local, national and global levels.

Those who are saved need to grow spiritually. It is important that our relationship with God matures and strengthens. This leads to the third phrase.

Discipling the Saved

This includes being dedicated to the preaching, teaching, and learning of God’s Word and engaged in worship and prayer.

The fourth phrase emphasizes our goal to serve others. Sometimes, we don’t know if the people we are serving are lost or saved. Sometimes we do not have the opportunity to witness while serving. Yet, we pray that the Holy Spirit will use these moments to warm a cold heart to hear the Gospel. Examples might include handing out water to disasters victims or working at the food pantry. This leads to the fourth phrase.

Sharing the Love of God with Everyone

The last two words “with everyone” were added to remind us that God loves everyone. This includes people of all races, social-economic levels and political affiliations. God even wants us to love our enemies.

Values & Beliefs

To find out more about our theology and what we believe, please check out The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s website.

LifeBridge is a chartered church of the LCMS and stand in unity with their theological positions.

Please feel free to discuss any of these or other matters of values and beliefs with the pastor.


About the Triune God

With the universal Christian Church, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod teaches and responds to the love of the Triune God:

the Father, creator of all that exists;

Jesus Christ, the Son, who became human to suffer and die for the sins of all human beings and to rise to life again in the ultimate victory over death and Satan; and

the Holy Spirit, who creates faith through God’s Word and Sacraments.

The three persons of the Trinity are coequal and coeternal, one God.

Who is Jesus?

The Lutheran Confessions



Social Issues




Domestic Violence

Child Abuse




Human Trafficking


Religious Liberty



Paid staff takes care of the ministries at LifeBridge.

Scott HeitshusenPastorSHeitshusen@LifeBridgeSealy.com
(713) 965-6761 [mobile]
Becky JungklausDeaconessBJungklaus@LifeBridgeSealy.com
Stephanie ReedDirector of Children’s MinistriesSReed@LifeBridgeSealy.com
Giles MontgomeryDirector of Youth MinistriesGMontgomery@LifeBridgeSealy.com
Hannah GibsonDirector of Worship & Music Ministriesworship@LifeBridgeSealy.com
The LifeBridge Staff

Elected: Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of the members of the Management Team and Board of Elders.

Management Team

The Management Team oversees all the business and day-to-day operations of LifeBridge. They make sure all runs smoothly and in order and the business of the church happens responsibly.

Vic GrisbeePresidentPresident@LifeBridgeSealy.com
Jesus (“Zeus”) SanchezV.P.VP@LifeBridgeSealy.com
Sherri SantoriSecretarySecretary@LifeBridgeSealy.com
Mary Abbott-GrayTreasurerTreasurer@LifeBridgeSealy.com
The Management Team

Board of Elders

At LifeBridge, we believe in spiritual leadership that extends beyond the pastor. In this, we have a community called the elders who take on the responsibility for being there for and walking with the entire congregation. For simplicity we break down the members here at LifeBridge alphabetically and assigned each segment to one particular elder. However, you can contact any elder, at any time if you need prayer, guidance, support or simply information.

A-CCarl Sebesta
D-FDavid Walker
(Head Elder)
G, N, RPastor Dale Leland
H-JWayne Heitshusen
K-M Brad Biss
O-QPaul White
S Giles Montgomery
T-ZJason Wolfe

Structure of Leadership

Structure of Leadership at LifeBridge

Elected Leader Job Descriptions