Behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2:10b-11 (esv)

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

So promises the popular song.

But why is this such a great time to celebrate? Why do we put so much time, energy, and money into its observance?

Honestly, most of the time it’s for the wrong reasons. We know the mantra, “Jesus is the reason for the season!” and that is most certainly true; but He is still often forgotten, glossed over, or otherwise minimized.

Christmas is the second highest holy day of the year (second to Easter), and for good reason! It is the fulfillment of God’s promise all the way back in the Garden of Eden that He would send us a Messiah – a Savior – who would save us and bridge the gap between man and God that sin caused. Jesus is that promises made real; in the Flesh; in a Baby! He is truly “God with us,” which is literally what Immanuel means. He is the answer to temporal and eternal problems. He is the our loving Savior; our intercessing Pray-er; our living Redeemer!

Christmas was the day humanity stopped waiting and started seeing those promises of God realized!

What a reason to sing; to celebrate; to praise!

What a “wonderful time of the year!”

See below some posts on Christmas; including worship information for Christmas Eve.

We hope you’ll celebrate with us!

CHRISTMAS EVE – “Wrapped Up In Love”

Tonight is the culmination of our series and our waiting! It all comes down to this. To HIM; born for us! 1In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world…

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A New Normal

The prophecy of this Child’s birth is fulfilled. The shepherds are gone. Perhaps life is returning to some kind of normalcy. But it’s still not “normal.” How can it be? Jesus is not a “normal”…

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CHRISTMAS DAY – Go, See, Worship!

Although also a Christmas service and celebration (with Christmas music and songs), this one is focused on heeding the call by the shepherds to also go and see this miracle – and to worship Him!…

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Mary’s Advent / Our Advent

We will begin a new sermon series for Advent and the Sundays after Christmas: “Mary’s Advent / Our Advent”. In this series for Advent and Christmas we will look at “Mary’s Advent” for the time…

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