Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.

Tag: Faithfulness

“The Book of Nehemiah” — New FORGE Men Series Study

Men, we’re starting a new series on our time together: The Book of Nehemiah by Eric Mason.


Whether we’ve felt spiritually stale or devoured by doubts, we’ve all wanted God to renew us. But what does spiritual restoration even look like?
The book of Nehemiah tells the story of God’s power to restore his people. As Israel returned from exile to the Promised Land, they found the walls of Jerusalem in shambles. So God equipped Nehemiah to rebuild the wall and lead the discouraged Israelites. In this 10-session series, Dr. Eric Mason shows us how God renewed his people both physically and spiritually. Through the story of Israel’s plight and God’s faithfulness, we see how God preserved his people to carry out his mission of redemption.

Series Trailer

Participant handouts, leader’s guide, and other resources for the series is available here.

“Faith in Hostile Times” — New FORGE Men Series Study

Men, we’re starting a new series on our time together: Faith in Hostile Times by Berni Dymet.


Are you overwhelmed by the godlessness sweeping across our world and flooding every corner of cyberspace? Are you disillusioned that the most vitriolic voices in debates are sometimes those of people calling themselves Christians? In this five-part series, Berni Dymet explores how Jesus engaged with and responded to people who were hostile toward Him. In Jesus’ example, we find a way to hold tight to the truth, while speaking it in love.

Series Trailer


Session 1December 12, 2023The Rising Tide of Persecution
Session 2January 9, 2024Understanding Your Enemy
Session 3January 23When Freedoms Come under Threat
SPECIALFebruary 13Valentine’s Meal with Wives at LB!
Session 4February 27Speaking the Truth in Love
Session 5March 12Shining the Light of Christ

Participant handouts, leader’s guide, and other resources for the series is available here.

HOSEA – Consequences of Unfaithful Priests

I desire faithful love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God instead of entirely burned offerings.

Hosea 6:6 (ceb)

Before getting to the unfaithfulness of the people, God has some choice words of judgement to His priests.

They are not interceding for the people to God, but interceding for themselves to false gods! They are oppressing God’s beloved rather then helping them. They are leading people astray rather than to God.

And the results are disastrous; not just for the priests, but for Israel, too!

“O LORD, send us faithful leaders who point people to Jesus! Point people to You!”


HOSEA – Generational Consequences of Unfaithfulness

I desire faithful love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God instead of entirely burned offerings.

Hosea 6:6 (ceb)

God commands Hosea to marry a “wife of whoredom” and have “children of whoredom.” And the children’s name are…harsh.


But God is using the prophet to show Israel how they are acting and what the results of their actions are in regard to their relationship with Him.

Bad. Unfaithful. Idolatrous. Deserving, not only divorce, but death.

But there is hope, because where Israel (and we) is unfaithful, God continues to be faithful. And that is what saves!

Thank God for His faithfulness amidst our lack of it!


“HOSEA – Introduction

I desire faithful love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God instead of entirely burned offerings.

Hosea 6:6 (ceb)

Hosea is the first of “The Book of the Twelve” or the “Minor Prophets” (though not chronologically first).

It shares a shocking command from God for the prophet in regard to his family in the first three chapters and then a series of collected “sermons,” warning Israel of God’s coming punishment and their exile; pleading with them to repent.

Yet they won’t and what is prophesied will come to pass.

Yet, even then, God’s love and grace will prevail and restoration will take place.

Through it all, God is good and faithful, even if His people aren’t.


  • Hosea 1:1
  • 1 John 1:8-10

“HOSEA – A Call to Faithfulness” Sermon Series

I desire faithful love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God instead of entirely burned offerings.

Hosea 6:6 (ceb)

Hosea is one of those Bible books that often gets overlooked. There are some difficulties in it and, like most prophets, some of the things he has to say, well, don’t sound nice!

It’s as if what God has to say isn’t what we want to hear!

But it is something we need to hear – and then obey!

Hosea speaks to a people who have been grossly unfaithful to God, “whoring” after other gods and nations; being appallingly unfaithful in every way to the God to loves them.

He also warns Israel of the coming disaster – being conquered and deported to Assyria.

Yet, the story does not end in Assyria, but with the assurance of a coming Messiah, through Whom God’s loving covenant will be renewed – forever!

Our faithlessness as a people and as the Christian Church has plenty to heed from what God says through Hosea. Although we do not fear deportation again, we are called to be faithful in our love and commitment to God and His good, righteous Word and Law!

May we be so faithful!

Thank You, Lord God, for Your faithful and never-ending love for us!

Join us, starting June 4, 2023!

Swans Are Alaska Bound!

You’ve heard the news: the Swans are heading to Alaska, and we want to send them off right!

After worship on Sunday, August 11, we are having a catered luncheon to thank the Lord for the Swans and send them off with love.

[NOTE: RSVP for the meal is now closed.]

Also, we invite you to bring a “love gift” that day in the form of a card, note, and/or financial gift (given to them directly, not to LifeBridge) so they can take our affirmations with them to their new home and ministry.

If you missed the original letter, you can read it below.

Please read the note below from our beloved Caleb & Sofia Swan.

Dear LifeBridge Family,

It is with both tears and joy that we write to inform you that God is calling us away from our LifeBridge family and is moving us to serve Him in Anchorage, Alaska. God has called Caleb into full time ministry to serve and lead the youth at ChangePoint Alaska.

Although this is hard for both us and LifeBridge, we know that we need to follow wherever God is leading us. We thank all of you for accepting us with love into the LifeBridge family and always supporting the ministries we led. God has done amazing things through LifeBridge and we are so thankful for getting to be a part of it. We know that God is going to continue to bless LifeBridge and its ministries and we are excited to see His plans through all of this.

Our last day with you will be Sunday, August 11th. We hope to see you then to say our goodbyes. Please keep us and LifeBridge in your prayers through this transition as we pursue what the Lord has for us.


Caleb & Sofia Swan

A PDF version of the letter can be read here.