Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.

Tag: T.Y.K.E.S. (Page 1 of 2)

Boo Bash 2024

LifeBridge will be taking part again in this year’s BOO BASH on MAIN!


Thursday, October 31, 2024, from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in downtown Sealy.

  • Music
  • Candy
  • Games
  • Costume Contest
  • MORE!

Holiday Class Schedule

As several classes and leaders have challenging schedules for CHRISTmas and the rest of the holiday season, here is a brief summary of some of the meeting schedule. 

Belong –
12/20✔ Caroling
12/24 AM ✔
12/24 @5PM
12/27Facebook Live
1/3/24Facebook Live
1/7/24 ✔
Holiday Class Schedule

Blessings to each of you as we celebrate the Savior’s birth!

“Queen Esther” – New Children’s Series

T.Y.K.E.S. will be starting a new series on April 16, 2023, titled, “Queen Esther.”

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Proverbs 3:5a (NIrV)

Synopsis: The story of Esther is an amazing one – the story of a girl who became
queen and saved her people. Preschoolers will learn that just like Esther, God has
chosen us to serve him too. That means we need to listen, obey, have courage to carry out God’s plans.

Objective: Kids will learn we have all been chosen by God to serve him.

Join us, April 16 through June 21, 2023!

“Christmas Cookies” — A T.Y.K.E.S. Series

Making Christmas cookies is a sweet labor of love.

These sweet treats require the finest ingredients, shaped just right, baked properly, and iced to perfection – but they are worth the effort.

God brought everything together perfectly with the birth of Jesus – to give us the sweetest Christmas gift ever given.

Join us from December 4-25, for this T.Y.K.E.S. series at LifeBridge!

New “Tykes” (Preschool) Series

But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself.

Galatians 5:22-23a (NIrV)

We’re starting a new “Tykes” (preschoolers) series on Sunday, August 14!

TaglineTeach Preschoolers The Fruit Of The Spirit
SummaryThe fruit of the Spirit is food for our hearts that helps us love like Jesus.
ObjectiveKids will memorize all 9 parts of The Fruit of the Spirit

Join us!

“Finger Painting with God” – New Toddler Series

Join us starting July 10, as we learn about Creationwith fingerpaints!

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1 (NIrV)

With just paint and our fingers, we can make pictures of whatever we imagine. With just his voice, God created the world, the sky, the animals, and ME!

Each week, preschoolers will have a chance to make finger paintings of the Creation story.


Day, Night, Sky, & SeaGod made the light, the day and the night, the water and the skyGenesis 1:1-8
Days 1-2
Land & Plants, Sun, Moon, & StarsGod made the land and the sea and all the plants that grow in the ground. God also made everything we see in the sky – the sun, moon, and stars.Genesis 1:9-19
Days 3-4
Birds, Fish, Animals, & ManGod made every creature that swims in the water and flies in the air. God made all the animals that live on the land; God made people.Genesis 1:20-31
Days 5-6
RestGod made a special day for me to rest and to remember all He has done. We can remember that God made my family. God made my friends. God made me!Genesis 2:1-3
Day 7

Join us for a fingerpainting, God-loving time!

BUBBLES: Jesus’ Love is Clear to Me! — New Toddler Program Starting June 5

So we know that God loves us. We depend on it. God is love.

John 4:16a (nirv)

Join us for our new Toddler series: “BUBBLES!” where “bubbles show us Jesus’ love!”

Kids love bubbles! (Who doesn’t?!) They are endlessly fascinating to look at, to blow, and to pop. In this series, preschoolers will play with bubbles, and through their play learn some important lessons about the love of Jesus.

In this series, kids will learn that the love of Jesus is clear!

Make Waves – VBS

Register now for our VBS, “Make Waves!”

VBS will be from June 20-24 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

What you do today can change the world around you!

Register NOW below or at the back of the church!

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